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Personality Profile

Your Personality

We can get your full personality profile after we have at least 600 words from you. Please keep adding snippets of texts below (and hit ANALYZE) periodically so we can build out an accurate behavioral map for you. Furthermore, the more text you add, the closer we will get to defining the real you.

Your Values
Your Needs

Please send us 600 words to get an accurate personality assessment.

Big Five Personality Traits
  • 0%
  • 0%
  • 0%
  • 0%
  • 0%

Your sentiment snapshot:

Please enter some text before submitting,

How you feel today:
Your Text

Enter some text and click Analyze to see your current sentiment score.

Score: 0

Magnitude: 0

* Red means the text has a negative tone, Green is positive and Grey is neutral

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.


About Our Software

Self-reflection can be a fruitful and and worthwhile endeavor, but without quantitative input, it can lead to self-deprecation. With advances in natural language processing, self-assessments can be quantified and lead to concrete goals for improvement or just a better understanding of one’s personality traits. WhoIB can take your text interactions and thoughts to give you a snapshot of your tone. In the long-term, we will build a personality profile that will give you insights into Who U B.

How do we do it all?


We only use Google API using OAuth 2.0 as a way to verify users to ensure a simple and secure environment for all your data.


Firebase is built on Google infrastructure and scales automatically to accommodate you, no matter how much text you send us.

Reliable Data

Watson Developer Cloud service lets you understand different individual’s personality characteristics, solely based on text analysis.

What's up with us?

#TeamDavid builds awesome apps using HTML, jQuery, CSS, and Javascript. We pull together the latest APIs from IBM Watson and Google Natural Language Processing to bring you an informative experience. Contact us if you need any information.

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Not Enough Words for Personality Profile

Please enter something for us to analyze.

Score: Magnitude:

On you said: